Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Who are you, the sports fan police?

Why do people have to be so judgmental of why you like a sports team, or even sports for that matter?
No I have not always watched sports religiously but I have cared more about them a lot more in the last 5 years and I don’t walk around and talk like I’m an expert in sports. When I got married and lived with Aaron I was surrounded by people who watched sports and explained things to me which made it more fun and interesting to watch. Then the normal talk radio station I listened to turned into to a sports station and so I started learning more about sports and got more into it. No, I don’t walk around talking like I know all in sports and I am not quizzing those around me like a 'know it all sports fan' but why is it if I comment on something sports related people just assume I have NO idea what I’m talking about…YOUR NOT THE ONLY FAN IN THE WORLD! IF YOU WERE SPORTS WOULD CEASE TO EXIST!!! Yes I am a woman and I notice when there’s a good looking player on a team, just like guys notice good looking cheerleaders on the side lines.  That doesn't mean I’m completely dumb to everything that a team does, it just means there’s a plus for me when I am watching it. I have learned more this year how to choose who to follow to benefit the teams I follow. I’ve learned about the players. Now if you quizzed me on whose number 32 and where did this player go to college I might not know, but I can still be a fan can’t I?  I understand being frustrated with people who talk like their the biggest sports fan and they are just a bandwagon fan, I get that frustration, but just because I didn't send you a formal letter from me letting you know I like to watch football doesn't make me any less a fan! Why are you the fan police? I cheer for two Football teams, Cowboys since their my home team and the Jets, I liked watching the Jets in the playoffs a few years ago  and wanted a team in the AFC to follow and they were on Hard Knocks and I learned about their team and it was interesting…Ill admit Mark Sanchez isn’t bad to look at, duh! But so what, I can still like them for deeper reasons than that, I’m not that shallow….Now the Texas Rangers I do love the players... Baseball isn’t as fun for me too keep up with until the end of the season, there are just so many games to watch and its just not as fun to watch on TV for me... but I still love going to the games and baseball talk, Baseball live is a blast...its just such a slow moving sport and when I watch it on TV my A.D.D. fights against it hard. Its fun to watch with other people but its not a sport I can watch on my own haha (again I wont claim to be a know it all when it comes to this sport)! As for Basketball I LOVE, but I still just have a heart for Basketball maybe since I played it when I was younger. I understand the rules and it moves so fast I love it…but again I’m not walking around like an expert on sports, I don’t know why others have to challenge everything you say even if you say you like a team, just be a fan and if that person likes your team their not trying to take them from you its okay you can still like the team too and you know how much you love a team and most of the time people around you can tell too so theres no need for another competition. ;) I love my friends who love sports and get excited about new season, games and players...this isnt about you, this is about people who dont know me and just feel like they have a place to say something and annoy the crap out of me ha.

Monday, January 10, 2011

♪Because the world is round it turns me on♪

What I wore Friday night  at theThieveing Birds at Rail Head and then Dick Belding's (90's cover band) at the Eagle Nest 01/07/2011-Little black dress with tights, boots, and cardigan-One of my favorite outfits
Saturday 01/08/2011 we were on the road almost 7 hours round trip to Haskell and back to see Ryan's very sweet Great Grandpa, so I dressed comfortable.
Here's some of the pictures we took out at Ryan;s great Grandpas... He has a lot of land he works in cotton!

This is what I think most people think all of Texas looks like
Stretching before exploring is highly recommended

                                                          Big Wheels keep on turning

                                        This is Right before  I was almost struck by a vehicle
                                      I was tyring to climb out of the road... not sure?

                                                            Ryan wanted to feel super tall

                                                            ...We look just like them huh?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Liip Stick Dance

I wasn't sure if you knew that I was friends with a pretty hardcore gang...

Have you ever heard of the T-Birds!?!

Let me explain: Country music…. I can enjoy some 90’s country music like Garth Brooks or Reba Mcentire. I have grown to enjoy some Texas country but about 90% of the time I just don’t enjoy country music…maybe it's because lately at the bars we end up at only play country music. It’s just so sappy and cheesy, but they take themselves so seriously! Katy Perry can be kind of cheesy but she is completely aware she s pop star and is having fun and all pop stars usually admit their cheesy, all country stars think their rock stars and have no idea how lame SOME of their music is. I don’t like to be at a bar laughing and hanging out with all my friends and some sad slow country song comes on and brings the room down, does that make sense? Last night I was at an acoustic show and the majority of the people playing were country and besides a couple of people (including Ace who can sing and do anything and it sounds magical) all the music just ran together. I didn’t know where one song ended and another began. So the point is for me, country music is very seldom something I enjoy or go out of my way to hear. I get other people like it and I get that all the music I listen too isn’t the most talented and amazing music but I just wanted to explain myself. So there! Consider yourself informed!
That being said, me around country music makes me do this

This is what I wore this evening, I already posted what I wore during the day but I LOVE this converse hoodie and my scarf and gloves from Gap so I had to share it…. My eyes look scary
P.S. That's a Steel  Train shirt under that hoodie ♥

Thursday, January 6, 2011

"We are the last generation of hope & I wouldn't mind if together we died alone"

Let me tell you a little about one of my favorite bands, Steel Train, An indie Rock band from New Jersey. I first saw them with Hanson at House of Blue…. Yes Hanson, that’s another blog entry for another day. When I saw them I was listening to them play and I heard the lyrics to a song “together will kill monsters in the rain…” I turned to my friend and repeated the words I had heard and asked if that was right and she let me know it was. Plus their not a bad group of jewish guys to look at ;)♥Jack Antonoff.... They have such a great way of writing and making their music so relatable but unique at the same time. I have now seen them 3 times and going to The Loft on January 23rd to see them for a 4th time. I have edited some funny pictures for them and they have  posted them on their twitter, one where all their heads are pasted on top of the band Gwar and another with a comparrison of Jack and Rick Morannis. Anyways, I’ll sway, dance, and sing along to their songs at the top of my lungs with pride. I really hope this encourages some of you to pickup their album and not burn it.

Their New "The Outsiders" Photo ( They love the 90's)

Speaking of burning music... Yes what I am about to talk about is my opinion. I don’t like to burn music and I don’t really like to burn music even for a friend. I will burn mix CDs or if I am trying to sell a group or a musical to someone I will. I have a husband in the music industry and who use to tour and his band would have probably sold more CDs if our generation wasn’t numbed to the word “steal.”  It is stealing no matter what way you swing it, if you personally paid money for that CD or received it as gift then its your, if you burned it for free from site or off a friends computer it is theft. I don’t like the argument “well musicians are rich they don’t need my $13.00.” It’s not up to your discretion to decided when an artist or a band has enough money and weather they deserve yours. They have a talent and they have the right to charge if they want to for you to hear it. If some bands tell you to burn it its fine with them, then great, but I grantee most of them don’t need the money! This is the way they are making their living with a talent most of us don’t have. So its not your right to steal music just because some places have it available to download for free… If you really love and appreciate music then you will be willing to pay for it!  I don’t know what our generation is so self righteous. Its like we never grew out of our teenage years…its all about what’s easy and fastest to us. I hope we can step back and be able to say when we are wrong and learn from our mistakes and take criticism with class.

My dog Captain Oates LOVES clothes right when they come out  of the dryer. He knows when I walk to the dryer and whatever I have in my hand walking to the couch with to fold is warm!

What I wore today

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

'Whats with today today'

My morning started with me changing out my earrings and the back of one of the earrings got stuck in my brush pile of hair and I started to shake my head to get it out since the back to the earring got tangled. When I shook my head I didn't realize how close I was to a wall and I hit it hard with my head and gave myself a fat lip.... Good morning to me.

The way the rest of the day is going ... I took a nap in my car at lunch, best part of my day.

What I wore today

My Banana Republic shoes... aren't they lovely?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Listening to AM radio is like watching a VHS tape

Among my group of friends there’s some that listen to an AM radio station the Ticket. Then there are some of us who listen to an FM radio station called the Fan. Here is a little history of why I listen to The Fan, almost 2 years ago the station use to be Live 105.3 and I loved listening to it. I got into talk radio because I had a long drive to work and Music makes me day dream and wish I was outside the car dancing, I needed to find a happy place inside the car. Live 105.3 talked about current events and helped keep me up to date with what was going on, plus I really enjoyed listening to Russ Martin. People get offended by him easily but they need to understand it’s all a performance, a bit if you will and learn if you don’t learn to laugh more and get offended by everything then your life is going to get pretty boring(PS he is back on the air now in the morning at 97.1). Well one day this station just decided to change formats and they turned into a sports station. I just kept listening and started getting into the sports almost accidently haha.
So anytime I talk about the Fan, I get a lecture of how the Ticket is better. I DON’T CARE, I get it you like it, that’s fine. 1. I don’t want to listen to AM radio; it is equivalent to watching a VHS tape instead of a Blue Ray DVD. 2. If I sit here and try to talk you into listening to the Fan you’re not going to because you’ve grown to love The DJs on the Ticket so know that’s how I feel about the Fan. 3. I have given it a try and they are funny but they have so many inside jokes it’s hard to catch on. So by me listening to the Fan isn’t me trying to insult your station friends… it’s where I’m comfortable J

What I wore today
I love this dress... Its from Anthropologie

Whose going to sing Dio and Darkness when Eric Lee leaves

Sunday Night
Our friend Eric Lee will be shipping out in February. If you don’t know Eric than your life is probably pretty boring ;) Eric is someone who is always ready to be silly and would fit really well with the cast Jackass. Sunday night we went out to The Mule for Karaoke and out of the group of us he is the only one who was singing… His signature songs are ’I believe in a thing called Love’ By the Darkness. ‘Holy Diver’ By Dio, and ‘F*** her gently’ By Tenacious D…. After this night I told Eric He shouldn’t join the Army he needs to go into Theater ;)

I was basically off from Christmas Eve tell January 4th. My job does something called a skeleton week  the week after Christmas, everyone signs up to work just one day that week and that way the office is open but there’s only a few people there and we are all paid the whole week, my job is a huge blessing.  So on my last day off I had a few errands to run ,I scheduled a massage and facial, and then had dinner with my parents at Piranhas Killer Sushi… all in all it was the perfect ending to an amazing Holiday!

What I wore on Monday 1/3/11


Sunday, January 2, 2011

A goal to saving money

Here's a raw picture of me. I am not wearing any make up and I am in pajamas. Sometimes blogs can seem like a person is a little vain so I thought I could at least post a picture where I look like crap haha.

So today I am wearing some grey cords from Loft with a cardigan from Victoria Secret, and a shirt from Buffalo Exchange....and yes I am wearing slippers. And yes, I plan on wearing them in public.

I am going to a Karaoke bar tonight... I have karaoke'd two songs in my adult life, 'Shoop' by Salt n Pepa and 'I'm on a boat' The Lonley Island

What I wore today

So I am starting a little late I know...one day. Some of you could say 'Well that's how you are starting your new year, a day behind' but technically I was up tell 6 AM on January 1st, 2011 so I do have an outfit to submit for that day...

I am wearing a purple velvet dress from Charlotte Russe with tights which are very trendy this season. I am also rocking some seriously intense eye lashes with some glittering charms at the outside of my eyes. I also am wearing my headbandthat is also made with sequences, this just makes me feel complete. I want to ring in the new year with some shimmer and fun. I am so tiered of people talking about being adults and what we need to wear blah blah blah. I just wanna have fun and I am gonna dress how I feel and on New years I felt Purple and sparkly ;)

So the new year was brought in with some amazing friends, a fun interpetive dance with my friend Chris to bohemian Rhapsody who no one could possibly top, and just pure joy... So far the qoute I am going with this new year is from a Paul mcCartney song "Live and Let Die"