Friday, January 7, 2011

Liip Stick Dance

I wasn't sure if you knew that I was friends with a pretty hardcore gang...

Have you ever heard of the T-Birds!?!

Let me explain: Country music…. I can enjoy some 90’s country music like Garth Brooks or Reba Mcentire. I have grown to enjoy some Texas country but about 90% of the time I just don’t enjoy country music…maybe it's because lately at the bars we end up at only play country music. It’s just so sappy and cheesy, but they take themselves so seriously! Katy Perry can be kind of cheesy but she is completely aware she s pop star and is having fun and all pop stars usually admit their cheesy, all country stars think their rock stars and have no idea how lame SOME of their music is. I don’t like to be at a bar laughing and hanging out with all my friends and some sad slow country song comes on and brings the room down, does that make sense? Last night I was at an acoustic show and the majority of the people playing were country and besides a couple of people (including Ace who can sing and do anything and it sounds magical) all the music just ran together. I didn’t know where one song ended and another began. So the point is for me, country music is very seldom something I enjoy or go out of my way to hear. I get other people like it and I get that all the music I listen too isn’t the most talented and amazing music but I just wanted to explain myself. So there! Consider yourself informed!
That being said, me around country music makes me do this

This is what I wore this evening, I already posted what I wore during the day but I LOVE this converse hoodie and my scarf and gloves from Gap so I had to share it…. My eyes look scary
P.S. That's a Steel  Train shirt under that hoodie ♥

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