Thursday, January 6, 2011

"We are the last generation of hope & I wouldn't mind if together we died alone"

Let me tell you a little about one of my favorite bands, Steel Train, An indie Rock band from New Jersey. I first saw them with Hanson at House of Blue…. Yes Hanson, that’s another blog entry for another day. When I saw them I was listening to them play and I heard the lyrics to a song “together will kill monsters in the rain…” I turned to my friend and repeated the words I had heard and asked if that was right and she let me know it was. Plus their not a bad group of jewish guys to look at ;)♥Jack Antonoff.... They have such a great way of writing and making their music so relatable but unique at the same time. I have now seen them 3 times and going to The Loft on January 23rd to see them for a 4th time. I have edited some funny pictures for them and they have  posted them on their twitter, one where all their heads are pasted on top of the band Gwar and another with a comparrison of Jack and Rick Morannis. Anyways, I’ll sway, dance, and sing along to their songs at the top of my lungs with pride. I really hope this encourages some of you to pickup their album and not burn it.

Their New "The Outsiders" Photo ( They love the 90's)

Speaking of burning music... Yes what I am about to talk about is my opinion. I don’t like to burn music and I don’t really like to burn music even for a friend. I will burn mix CDs or if I am trying to sell a group or a musical to someone I will. I have a husband in the music industry and who use to tour and his band would have probably sold more CDs if our generation wasn’t numbed to the word “steal.”  It is stealing no matter what way you swing it, if you personally paid money for that CD or received it as gift then its your, if you burned it for free from site or off a friends computer it is theft. I don’t like the argument “well musicians are rich they don’t need my $13.00.” It’s not up to your discretion to decided when an artist or a band has enough money and weather they deserve yours. They have a talent and they have the right to charge if they want to for you to hear it. If some bands tell you to burn it its fine with them, then great, but I grantee most of them don’t need the money! This is the way they are making their living with a talent most of us don’t have. So its not your right to steal music just because some places have it available to download for free… If you really love and appreciate music then you will be willing to pay for it!  I don’t know what our generation is so self righteous. Its like we never grew out of our teenage years…its all about what’s easy and fastest to us. I hope we can step back and be able to say when we are wrong and learn from our mistakes and take criticism with class.

My dog Captain Oates LOVES clothes right when they come out  of the dryer. He knows when I walk to the dryer and whatever I have in my hand walking to the couch with to fold is warm!

What I wore today


  1. i love your blog so much, specially your outfit of the day. Im so fashion we todd ed, that you inspire me to dress cuter!! lol

    How do you feel about burning, if youve already paid for the CD? If it was lost, stolen, or broken, do you feel better about burning it the second time? I buy my music from itunes, but i just wondered what you thought about that. ive got friends who only burn in that case!

  2. Aw Thanks, I;m glad someone is reading it! I can't take credit for the idea of blogging what I wear everyday, I've heard of other bloggers doing it.

    I think its perfectly okay to burn a CD if you have lost it, you have at least paid for it once...and I have to burn anything I buy on itunes onto disc if I want to listen to it in the car. I think the main point is to pay for it.
