Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Who are you, the sports fan police?

Why do people have to be so judgmental of why you like a sports team, or even sports for that matter?
No I have not always watched sports religiously but I have cared more about them a lot more in the last 5 years and I don’t walk around and talk like I’m an expert in sports. When I got married and lived with Aaron I was surrounded by people who watched sports and explained things to me which made it more fun and interesting to watch. Then the normal talk radio station I listened to turned into to a sports station and so I started learning more about sports and got more into it. No, I don’t walk around talking like I know all in sports and I am not quizzing those around me like a 'know it all sports fan' but why is it if I comment on something sports related people just assume I have NO idea what I’m talking about…YOUR NOT THE ONLY FAN IN THE WORLD! IF YOU WERE SPORTS WOULD CEASE TO EXIST!!! Yes I am a woman and I notice when there’s a good looking player on a team, just like guys notice good looking cheerleaders on the side lines.  That doesn't mean I’m completely dumb to everything that a team does, it just means there’s a plus for me when I am watching it. I have learned more this year how to choose who to follow to benefit the teams I follow. I’ve learned about the players. Now if you quizzed me on whose number 32 and where did this player go to college I might not know, but I can still be a fan can’t I?  I understand being frustrated with people who talk like their the biggest sports fan and they are just a bandwagon fan, I get that frustration, but just because I didn't send you a formal letter from me letting you know I like to watch football doesn't make me any less a fan! Why are you the fan police? I cheer for two Football teams, Cowboys since their my home team and the Jets, I liked watching the Jets in the playoffs a few years ago  and wanted a team in the AFC to follow and they were on Hard Knocks and I learned about their team and it was interesting…Ill admit Mark Sanchez isn’t bad to look at, duh! But so what, I can still like them for deeper reasons than that, I’m not that shallow….Now the Texas Rangers I do love the players... Baseball isn’t as fun for me too keep up with until the end of the season, there are just so many games to watch and its just not as fun to watch on TV for me... but I still love going to the games and baseball talk, Baseball live is a blast...its just such a slow moving sport and when I watch it on TV my A.D.D. fights against it hard. Its fun to watch with other people but its not a sport I can watch on my own haha (again I wont claim to be a know it all when it comes to this sport)! As for Basketball I LOVE, but I still just have a heart for Basketball maybe since I played it when I was younger. I understand the rules and it moves so fast I love it…but again I’m not walking around like an expert on sports, I don’t know why others have to challenge everything you say even if you say you like a team, just be a fan and if that person likes your team their not trying to take them from you its okay you can still like the team too and you know how much you love a team and most of the time people around you can tell too so theres no need for another competition. ;) I love my friends who love sports and get excited about new season, games and players...this isnt about you, this is about people who dont know me and just feel like they have a place to say something and annoy the crap out of me ha.

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